Yaso 4 U: 10K marathon-2018 @CIT Coimbatore

10K marathon-2018 @CIT Coimbatore

    As an amateur runner (self-trained)myself, it was my second marathon in my lifetime. It was way back in 2007 that I took my ran first marathon.

   It was an early Sunday morning  18.02.2017-5.45 am at Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), Coimbatore, the Y’s Men's Club of Coimbatore and Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) jointly conducted  ‘10K Marathon–2018’, a 10 km marathon to create awareness about blood donation and registration for blood donors directory.

     After some warmups and drills, runners got together at 6.30 am to takeup the run in different categories. I along with 3 of my colleagues(Mr.Pradeep, Mr.Vishnu & Mr.Sonies) took 10 km run for creating awareness for blood donation. It was a brisk start in the morning from CIT campus and we moved towards Codissia connected with Cheranmanagar, Thaaneer paandal, Codissia and ended in CIT campus. The support crews were awesome, they kept us hydrated throughout the event. Their work on traffic planning, hydration station, washrooms, medal and certificate distribution were very appreciable.

     After this run(which I almost walked through 70 % of marathon) the recovery from it was very important which went very smoothly. Throughout the day I found my legs were unusual to the sore and stiff due to the effect of the marathon. But I was practically back to normal on the very next day itself.

     I felt proud of myself after completing the marathon, even though having few cramps during my run  I was able to complete it with amidst pain which went away in a few hours.

     It taught me a lesson in life, I felt that this run made me feel great and extremely free because, I had the chances to discover new locations and to meet new people. 

As Robert frost rightly mentioned "The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promise to keep and miles to go before I go to sleep", Despite of having a tight schedule in life, I like to continue running the  marathon throughout my life..... 

Life is like a marathon, where we lose to some and we win some. We may feel tired, broken, inferior or even sad, but all we have to do is RUN!! RUN!! RUN!! until the goal is reached. 

Running may not make you WIN, but it atleast helps you to COMPLETE! And be proud, because most don't even complete/participate.


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